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Sunny Bank Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Hathaway Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 8EQ

0161 766 2121


Pastoral Team

The Pastoral Team



Mrs O’Brien

Pastoral Lead and Mental and Health First Aider

Miss Gilmore

Acting Deputy Head, Assistant SENDCo and Safeguarding Lead 1

Mr Gabrielides

Head Teacher and Safeguarding Lead 2

Miss Johnson


C Oldham

Additional pastoral support

M Holgate

Lego Therapy


At Sunny Bank Primary, we want to make sure that children are happy, secure and successful and recognise the importance of good mental health. We believe that by creating resilient young people, our children will understand how to manage change, cope with stress effectively, manage their thoughts and feelings and have good problem solving skills.

Our school is committed to supporting all members of our school community and recognise sometimes some children or their families need a little bit of extra help. Below are the names of staff with a specified role to this end:

The Pastoral Lead

Mrs O’Brien works with children in 1:1 and small group settings, who may require emotional support. Mrs O’Brien also runs groups for children to help them cope with change and challenging situations such as transition to another class or secondary school. Our aim is to give children the skills they need to be able to improve their own resilience and face hardships or difficulties with strength and determination.

Senior Leadership

Senior Leaders work with the Pastoral Lead to ensure that children are emotionally secure and in a place of safety which will then allow them to access the other aspects of the curriculum the school offers. Both Mr Gabrielides and Miss Gilmore work closely with the teachers to track your child’s progress in school and organise extra support if your child is falling behind.


Miss Johnson may provide support for your child by involving adults in school or specialists from outside of school, such as speech and language therapists. If you think your child may need additional support, or you are worried about your child’s progress, please talk to the class teacher or a member of the above Pastoral Team.

Early Help – What is it?

The school is able to advise families on the Early Help Process and how to access the support you need. Please speak to any of the team if you would like to discuss accessing Early Help. The Bury Early Help Team are able to make contact with a number of partner organisations to ensure a joined up approach. We will complete an Early Help assessment (Story So Far) to help the team identify an area of need and put the best support in place for your family. 
There will always be someone available at the beginning and end of the day so please talk to them directly if you wish to discuss your child.


Here are some links to some useful websites that have information regarding supporting your child with their mental health and wellbeing: